IMPORTANT NOTE: Once purchased look out for your invitation to join our BBB Kahunas APP to access your Once Off Program. (Please check both your inbox & junk folders & follow the prompts). **Please allow 7 days for your program to be uploaded into your BBB Kahunas customer profile**
BBB Customised Training Programs (GYM) This product provides you with a once off 6 week training program tailored towards your personal physique goals & equipment accessibility. It is the best way to get an insight into my methods & training principles for those who aren’t quite ready to commit to the complete online coaching experience just yet. This Customised Gym Training Program is suitable & prescribed for; all levels of experience (beginner, intermediate or advanced), the equipment you have access to, and most importantly your own specific physique & performance goals. Please Note* This is a once off training program & there will be no further ongoing adjustments to it, once it has been created for you.